While it can't sort weapons and armor with all the various prefixes that they can have, it does sort magazines, bobbleheads, magazines, foods, drugs, chems, mini-games, notes, and more. Why this isn't sorted one step further is strange, a step that this mod provides. It doesn't take long for your inventory to become ridiculously long, especially the miscellaneous and aid category. But in case you want a clear and easy indication of what the value/weight stat is (can't remember the last time I did long division), this is the mod you're looking for.

Of course, if you're savvy at arithmetic, then you won't really need this mod. This mod makes it easy to see what the value of an item is compared to its weight (the Value/WT stat you see in the screenshot above). With some copper, lead, steel, and other ingredients found all over the wasteland, you can craft whatever ammo you need for the guns you use the most.Īs I mentioned in my tips guide for Fallout 4, carry weight is a limited resource that needs to be managed so that you can carry back the most resources and caps through trading each time you venture out. The system was admittedly tough to use in New Vegas, but this mod makes things simple. It's unclear why Fallout 4 doesn't have ammo crafting given that ammo can be in short supply in the Commonwealth (unless you have the Scrounger perk) and given that Fallout: New Vegas had ammo crafting.

If you're into building a bustling community, this mod will save you a lot of headaches.

This mod allows you to rename these settlers to several different general names like Farmer and Guard so that you know exactly what their role is just at a glance. Once any of your settlements in Fallout 4 reaches a population of ten or more settlers, it can get extremely confusing as to which settler has been assigned to what task (unless they're doing that task right in front of you).